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    • ADD:Ximen Mould Industrial Park,Huangyan,Taizhou,Zhejiang Province,China
    • TEL:0086-0576-84125577
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    Wanlong earlier gas assisted injection molding technology isintroduced, and successful development of gas-assisted injection molding, afteryears of development in  mould gatingsystem design, design of air inlet and airway distribution, gas-assistedinjection molding process technology, gas-assisted injection molding process ofcomputer simulation technology, has accumulated rich experience and technologyprecipitation. Now the molding technology in the home appliance TV shell,air-conditioner, refrigerator shells, box body, etc., in the car with theinside of the door, door handle, car inner decoration, the whole seat, etc.,and some thick wall, partial wall (parts) of different thickness of crosssection and the application on large flat structure parts

    Gas assisted injection molding is made by the high pressure gas isintroduced into the thick wall parts, parts inside the injection molded partsto produce hollow section, completely filling process, and realize the gaspressure, eliminate products of shrink mark plastic molding technology.Traditional injection molding process cannot be combined thick wall and thinwall forming, and residual stress in large parts, easy buckling deformation,surface sink mark. Gas-assisted technology through the thick wall of theinternal empty, successful produce thick wall, partial wall products, andproducts appearance excellent surface properties, low internal stress. Cohesionby gas-assisted technology with traditional injection molding process, theadvantages of gas-assisted injection molding obvious: lightweight products(province), shorten the molding cycle, eliminate the shrink mark, lighten thebuckling deformation, improve yield; Reduce the injection pressure, smalltonnage injection molding machine production big parts are available, andreduce the operation cost; Mould life extension, the manufacturing cost isreduced, also can be used as the coarse root, thick reinforcement, connectingplate, such as a more solid structure, increase the mold design degrees offreedom.

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